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FREE Financial Wellness Mini-Classes
are shorter versions of our in-person classes.
If you have questions or would like to make an appointment please call us at 1-800-345-3155 ext. 2
Financial Advisor Licensing
September 15, 2020
Types of Financial Advisors
August 31, 2020
Qualified Dividends
August 17, 2020
When to Pull Back Risk
August 17, 2020
Taxation Upon Death
August 10, 2020
Retirement’s Hierarchy of Needs and YOU
August 3, 2020
Reverse Mortgages
July 27, 2020
Funding Long Term Care with Life Insurance
July 20, 2020
Click here for our slide show: Long-Term Care Protection Strategies.
Your Social Security Benefits
July 13, 2020
Please email us at |
Required Minimum Distributions
July 6, 2020
When You NEED Safe Investments
June 23, 2020
Please email us at |
Safe Investing: Bonds
June 15, 2020
Safe Investing: New and Emerging
June 8, 2020
Safe Investing: Fixed Index Annuities
June 2, 2020
Safe Investing: Fixed Annuities
May 26, 2020
Please email us at |
- CARES Act – What You NEED to KNOW
- Building Your Financial Plan
3 Comments to "Financial Focus"
Hey Scott thanks for your mini training sessions. They’re very informative I enjoy being reminded and learning new things. I did have a question about RMDs. Even though I’m taking minimum required distribution can I still transfer extra money into my Roth IRA or does that ability stop once you’re required to take the RMD? And if it is still possible since there wavering the RMD for 2020 can that be put into my Roth rather than just not take it?
Hi Stephen,
You ARE allowed to convert to Roth any time you like as long as it is not your RMD. This is a good year to consider because there is no RMD but it is always about taxation when deciding how much to convert. Let us know if you want to get together to review.
1-800-345-3155 ext. 1
Thank you so very much for including me in the e-education. It was great to see this come through. I appreciate being part of this exceptional group and look forward to learning and keeping on track with what to do for retirement.
Skeeter Lynch, Prescott AZ